Pussy Whipped Festival 2014

a celebration of underground queer feminist culture
25-27 April @ Wee Red Bar (Workshops at Abbey Mount Centre), Edinburgh. Only £6 (advance) for a weekend ticket, available here.

Pussy Whipped presents a full weekend of queer/LGBTI+ and feminist underground shenanigans in the form of live music, dancing, films, workshops and performance! All designed (of course) to shit all over queerphobias and sexism with great big smiles on our faces. Decent people of all genders and sexualities welcome! Funded by Awards for All Scotland. All events are held at Wee Red Bar besides the Saturday workshops.

Friday 25th, 7pm-3am - kick ass queer/feminist live music followed by punk rock dancing
Your compere Miss Annabel Sings (Dive!) presents......
Maybecyborgs (Germany) - gender fucking art indie pop
Louise Distras (London) - incredible acoustic feminist punker
Seafield Foxes (Edinburgh) - intense all female grunge rawk
Kings Queer (France) - legendary queer performance pop art
Ethical Debating Society (London) - UK's most inspiring riot grrls
DJ's Seafield Foxes provide a dancetastic riot grrrl, punk and pop disco!!

Sat 26th, 1-5pm - Queer Short Films, curated by local heroine Morvern Cunningham (Future Shorts, Leith Late). More details soon!

Sat 26th, 1-5pm - workshops at Abbey Mount Centre.
Queers and Girls Rock Camp!
Hollaback! - ending street harrassment against women
Non-binary genders info/discussion workshop
LGBTQI's & Women in prison - info and discussion workshop

Sat 26th, 7pm - 3am - kick ass underground live music event Part 2!

Followed by local legends Hot Mess providing a filthy queer disco until the early hours.
Your host Miss Annabel Sings (Dive!) presents....
Amity (Brighton) - incredible multi-instrumentalist lesbian singer
Priscillas (Edinburgh) - hilarious camp performance electro duo
Orphans (Denmark) - like Shampoo & Ramones getting nasty!
Zdrada Palki (Poland) - the queer kitsch vegan pop queen
V for Vagina (Glasgow) - art punks who sing of vag and revenge

Sun 27th April, 2-4pm - chill out 1940's queer cafe, 2-5pm. Expect butches, femmes, queer cabaret tunes and cheap beautiful food to chase the hangovers away.

Sun 27th April, 4-7.30 - queer feminist performance, poetry and acoustic event
Joey Hateley (Manchester) - The inimitable Gender Joker Show!
Sarah Crewe (Liverpool) - kick ass scouse feminist poet
Sandra Alland (Edinburgh) - legendary political queer crip poet
Liz Cronin (Edinburgh) - incredibly touching queer songstress
Queers and Womens open mic (4 slots with advance booking, 2 slots available on the night, first come first served!)

All venues are fully wheelchair accessible (inc toilets). Email ste.mccabe.music@gmail.com for more info.

Pussy Whipped December 2014.....  photo jjjjjjkkkkmini_zpse4b4b7e9.jpg Facebook event is HERE

